CI/CD is very important in Aigle. During that, we must have a CI sever to build, test and deploy our code. Luckily, we have a lot of such kind of software, such as, Teamcity, Jenkins, Travis CI and so on. This article will show you how to use Jenkins in docker.
1 Prerequisite
First, install docker in your machine. For detail, please refer to Docker community edition.
2 Use Jenkins in docker
Jenkins supports two ways in use: 1. the traditional way; 2. the docker way. We will use Jenkins in docker on macOS. For more details, you can refer to Installing Jenkins.
2.1 Pull Jenkins Image
docker pull jenkinsci/blueocean |
2.2 Create Jenkins Container
2.2.1 Create a volume for Jenkins
If you cant to persist the data for Jenkins, you'd better create a volume for it.
docker volume create jenkins-data |
2.3 Create Jenkins Container and Run it
docker run \ |
Note: The run command is to create a Jenkins container and run it right now.
2.4 Setup Jenkins
After the container started, now you need to do a little more setup thing. Fortunately, Jenkins has provide us a post-installation wizard. It's quite simple. For more details, you can refer to Installing Jenkins. But someone may meet the plugin installing issue during the wizard as follow.
Figure 1: Plugin installing issue
To solve this, we have two ways:
- change the mirror for downloading the plugin
- install the missing plugin manually.
Obviously, we don't want to install them manually. It's annoying. So we need to change the plugin update service:
- To look up the available mirror give use all the available mirrors. In this case, I want to use
- Change the plugin updates service
If your jenkins's URL is http://localhost:8080, we can visit http://localhost:8080/pluginManager/advanced to change the service url.
Figure 2: Setup update center
2.5 Stop and start Jenkins Container
Look up the container's status and name:
docker ps -a |
Stop the container
docker stop <container name> |
Start the container
docker start <container name> |