[Note] Use Jenkins in Docker

CI/CD is very important in Aigle. During that, we must have a CI sever to build, test and deploy our code. Luckily, we have a lot of such kind of software, such as, Teamcity, Jenkins, Travis CI and so on. This article will show you how to use Jenkins in docker.

1 Prerequisite

First, install docker in your machine. For detail, please refer to Docker community edition.

2 Use Jenkins in docker

Jenkins supports two ways in use: 1. the traditional way; 2. the docker way. We will use Jenkins in docker on macOS. For more details, you can refer to Installing Jenkins.

2.1 Pull Jenkins Image

docker pull jenkinsci/blueocean

2.2 Create Jenkins Container

2.2.1 Create a volume for Jenkins

If you cant to persist the data for Jenkins, you'd better create a volume for it.

docker volume create jenkins-data

2.3 Create Jenkins Container and Run it

docker run \
-u root \
--rm \
-d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 50000:50000 \
-v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

Note: The run command is to create a Jenkins container and run it right now.

2.4 Setup Jenkins

After the container started, now you need to do a little more setup thing. Fortunately, Jenkins has provide us a post-installation wizard. It's quite simple. For more details, you can refer to Installing Jenkins. But someone may meet the plugin installing issue during the wizard as follow.

Figure 1: Plugin installing issue

To solve this, we have two ways:

  1. change the mirror for downloading the plugin
  2. install the missing plugin manually.

Obviously, we don't want to install them manually. It's annoying. So we need to change the plugin update service:

  1. To look up the available mirror

http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/status.html give use all the available mirrors. In this case, I want to use https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/jenkins/updates/current/update-center.json.

  1. Change the plugin updates service

If your jenkins's URL is http://localhost:8080, we can visit http://localhost:8080/pluginManager/advanced to change the service url.

Figure 2: Setup update center

2.5 Stop and start Jenkins Container

Look up the container's status and name:

docker ps -a

Stop the container

docker stop <container name>

Start the container

docker start <container name>